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Программа предназначена для контроля доступа к почтовому клиенту
Outlook Express и ее почтовой и адресной базе данных. Она не шифрует
файлы и папки, тем ме менее никто не сможет получить доступ к Outlook
Express. Когда вы пытаетесь запустить Outlook Express или открыть
адресную книгу, программа запросит вас ввести пароль для доступа.
Outlook Express Protector is designed for controlling access to
Outlook Express and its e-mail and address data bases. Outlook Express
Protector does not encrypt protected files and folders, however no
programs can get access to them when the program is active. When you
try to start Outlook Express or open Address Book, Outlook Express
Protector requests you to enter a password to grant access. If a user
does not enter a valid password or cancels the authentication dialog
box, Outlook Express or Address Book will not be opened and the data
files will not be accessible for any third-party applications. This
means that if Outlook Express Protector is active, nobody can steal or
spoil your data you have in your Outlook Express. Excellent online help
is available. Try our password and security tools.